Advertising: UR Doin’ it Wrong

How to waste a lot of money lesson #1. Place a billboard at one of the busiest intersections in the city and do not mention the name of the business. Oh, and make the location so small you can’t read it.

Notice: the folks sitting at the light have their back to the board.

The folks facing the board are too far away to really read it, as well as busy navigating the scary intersection or managing the confusing bridge that has various off ramps.

And when curiosity finally gets the best of the passenger in the car and she takes a photo and enlarges it, we still do not know exactly what is being advertised.

Except that Indianapolis has outdoor gear… somewhere… all in one place (the Castleton Mall if you look close enough at the blown up photo.)

Johnson City Gold – it doesn’t add up

I am a graphic designer as well as a detailed technical writer. The combination can be lethal to my peace of mind at times.

When Mountain Dew previewed their new soda, Johnson City Gold, last month, I had to buy a pack. And then I just had to check out the packaging.

Johnson City Gold soda

Can anyone tell me why the math on the calories does not add up? Should it?

It looks like a simple editing mistake that would have cost a chunk of points and heaped embarrassment upon any student’s head during their college days.  However, there is a contest to redesign the second batch. That should fix things.

Johnson City Gold nutrition facts

Mistake or not in the packaging department… I admit, I like the malt taste, not to mention the name and the vintage design. I will be sad to see that change.